
misaki otanashi

Über mich

Hello everyone

I'm not much to say but I hope you like my modifications

my colleagues in this adventure of GTA San Andreas [ Miyata Lee Modifications ]


Alter: 29
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I have 385 rank points.(?)

Mein GTAinside Rank ist
und ich werde

"King of GTA"

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News: 0
Downloads: 385
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Total: 385
Veröffentlicht: 150 Mods
Total: 1,122,505 Downloads
Durchschnitt: 7,483 Downloads
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Letzten Kommentare (385)
Pack Of Weapons Ak47 Camo (Black Ops II )
misaki otanashi | 09.05.2021 | 10141

misaki otanashi
"King of GTA"
King of GTA
Kommentare: 385

 Quote: xXRobocopGamerXx

@misaki otanashi

Ok con lo demás

,. ¿Pero cuando yo insiste el odio?

notepad: en tu cara ashley slow :v

Pack Of Weapons Ak47 Camo (Black Ops II )
misaki otanashi | 09.05.2021 | 10141

misaki otanashi
"King of GTA"
King of GTA
Kommentare: 385


the author does not allow distribution of the model for games, adult content or anything else

you committed a violation by distributing this model on another platform
Even so, the post was deleted and you already have your first report

Pack Of Weapons Ak47 Camo (Black Ops II )
misaki otanashi | 09.05.2021 | 10141

misaki otanashi
"King of GTA"
King of GTA
Kommentare: 385


you want your reason

its post was removed for distributing the model on another platform than MMD
You violated copyright and that's why your post was removed, as well as inciting hatred with your notepad you added.

Pack Of Weapons Ak47 Camo (Black Ops II )
misaki otanashi | 09.05.2021 | 10141

misaki otanashi
"King of GTA"
King of GTA
Kommentare: 385


the author's rules are very clear

1.- do not distribute the model on other platforms that are not MMD

I use the model for personal use and I never distributed it

ou are distributing the model on another platform
that's why you are violating the rights of that author

Thanks to the administrator your post was deleted, if you re-upload your account it will be banned

Pack Of Weapons Ak47 Camo (Black Ops II )
misaki otanashi | 09.05.2021 | 10141

misaki otanashi
"King of GTA"
King of GTA
Kommentare: 385


The model has already been reported with the administrator, it is only a matter of Alex deleting your publication